Growth is not always linear

Digital drawn gnome with braids wearing a rainbow mandala shirt and a purple hair.

We were sent into the world to live to the full everything that awakens within us and everything that comes towards us. Real divinity has a passionate instinct for creativity and the fully inhabited life–the greatest sin of all is the unlived life.

John O’Donohue

The past few weeks have been full of edits, artwork, and finding peace in the path ahead. While looking through old writing, this poem that I wrote in 2002 seemed like a good one to post again in 2024.

On being a writer
If you
at night,
the dreams come.

Every book
idea I have
to me
right when I’m getting
asleep. So tired
that I cannot
fathom reaching
to grab my

I drift off

8-2002 (written)
© Kim Upton 2002-2024

logo for Mom's Strange Magic that is a woman sitting with a cat and drying herbs while she is writing in a journal.

Today’s post on Patreon has a short meditation for your Monday. You can also access the video on YouTube.

Sending all kinds of good energies your way.

Much love,