Eff The Niche…

lawn goose with a yard sign in a nature scene with a purple decorative flower.

“But above all, in order to be, never try to seem.”

Albert Camus

Before reading on, you might want to listen to this song, as it’s one of my faves.
On and On by Erykah Badu

This week I’ve been pondering the incessant messages we get via, well, everything these days — especially how we have to be some type of way to be considered a valid member of the human race.. Pick a side. Carry this cup. Live in this neighborhood. You must proudly display who you are at all times – never sway from that.

But that’s just so weird to me. Nature, of which we are a part, would never grow, bloom, or survive if everything was just one flower or tree. We are diverse organisms, beautifully constructed out the very things that make the stars shine at night.

To hear more about my thoughts on this, with a somewhat hilarious interruption from one of the house cats (who might really need their own show), you can listen to this week’s podcast.
Eff The Niche

Lawn goose wearing a cape and bonnet at the end of wooden stairs.

Meet Gladys Kravitz. She’s a lawn goose who keeps watch over all the things that happen on our wee spot of land. She’s also the mascot for Mom’s Strange Magic (podcast and such). I’m sure you’ll see more of her over the days/weeks/months.

With that I’m off to get some work done, then out to enjoy the sunshine.

Much love,